Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What I Read in September

Book Clubs and Bible Studies started this month for me, so that was the extent of my reading for September.

Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn - Liked - This was our September book club read. One thing I like about Book Club is that it makes me read things that I not normally read. This was a cute book, and an easy book. It is touted as a modern day fable, which loosely would be true since there was a moral to the story. It was interesting that the whole story was told in letters between the characters.

A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers - Liked - This was our Bible Study book, all 500 pages of it, and you can't do the discussion questions until you finish the book. This book is part of a trilogy so we are only meeting every couple of months to discuss the books, with fun activities in between those meetings. I love Francine Rivers' books, but I did struggle a bit with the biblical historical fiction, not my favorite genre. The book started a bit slow, but by the middle I was fully engaged and couldn't put it down at the end.

I have decided from now on, I will review books as I finish them, it will be easier to remember them that way, and won't look so sad when I only get two book done for the month.

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