Thursday, March 8, 2012

Be Still - P52 Week Ten

I have been doing yoga for just over a year now. I originally started doing yoga to strengthen my back and core abdominal muscles. I have had problems with my back and hips since my late teens. I have always heard good things about yoga and figured it was worth a try. My daughter and I started taking a class through our local hospital. We both fell in love with yoga. I feel so much better the mornings after yoga class. I have recently added a short 15 minute abdominal strengthening routine to my morning workout.

The best part of yoga is the relaxation time at the end of class and at the end of my 15 minute morning routine. Those 5 minutes that I just rest and relax, concentrate just on me and center myself, help me deal with whatever else is coming my way that day. Namaste.


  1. Souns like a great addition to your life, and one that helps prepare you for the day.

  2. I've been wanting to set a goal to incorporate a yoga practice, so this is encouraging to know.

  3. I have not tried yoga but I've heard that it really helps your back. I try to do back exercises to help mine.

  4. I have always wanted to try yoga. Good for you.

  5. i felt peaceful just looking at your picture!! namaste. Julie
