Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yesterday, I started two, yes two, photography related e-courses.

The first one:

Now You - I have been looking forward to this class for well over a month. It is a six week course on self-portrait photography. SCARY!!
I am ready to dig a little deeper into my photography and into myself.

The second one:

Photoshop The Essentials - I signed up for this one on Sunday, nothing like waiting until the 11th hour. This course is on Photoshop Elements, and as I stated last week, I am serious about learning this program. Also, the instructor, Kim Klassen has some other classes that I really want to take, but I need to have a good mastering of the whole program first.

I am super excited about both of these classes. The craziness will come later next week when we move our daughter home from college for the summer. She is very self-sufficient so that is not the problem, it is just that I will be so excited to have her home. There will be so many things we will want to do together that the weeks will go much quicker than they do now. But I have committed to being a "finisher" this year, so I will find the time to work on my class assignments, and time to have fun with my daughter. One of the best parts about having Mallory home is that I will have somebody to go out shooting with, so much more fun with two.

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