Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Start

My goal for 2012 is to become a finisher. A couple of friends and I were recently having a conversation on FB about projects that we have started, but then the projects lose their appeal, and they never get picked up again. Or at best they gain our attention every once in a great while, but are never really completed. That is when I decided to make 2012 my year to finish things.

Some of my things I want to finish this year:

  1. The P52 project - only 1 photo per week (I can do this)
  2. Master Lightroom for photo editing.
  3. Work on this blog for the whole year.
  4. Finish the weight loss I started in 2011.
  5. The Sun Porch - this has been a work in progress for the last 8 years. This is its year!
My list could go on and on, but this is a good start. Stay tuned to see how it goes this year.


  1. I also have #1 (to finish the p.52 challenge) as a goal this year, and that's actually how i ran across your blog - looking through photos on p.52 as i desperately search for inspiration for a 'great leap' photo.

    love your goal to become a finisher. i too suffer from "lack of finishing" syndrome at times (often) and am aiming not only to complete the p.52 challenge, but also to maintain my blog!

    good luck to you! i'll stay tuned! :) Julie
